Please click on the "REGISTRATION FORM" button above to print out the form. It consists of 2 pages.
Please fill out the form as completely as possible so that we may better be able to care for you. Bring both pages with you along with the copy of your "OFFICE FINANCIAL POLICY" to your appointment.
If you have any questions, you may always call the office at 860-346-2020. Thank you.
Please fill out the form as completely as possible so that we may better be able to care for you. Bring both pages with you along with the copy of your "OFFICE FINANCIAL POLICY" to your appointment.
If you have any questions, you may always call the office at 860-346-2020. Thank you.
Our Office Financial Policy explains all of the inner workings at our practice. It contains information you should know before you visit our office. Click on the "OFFICE FINANCIAL POLICY" button to print out a copy to sign and bring with you to the office.